Our Staff helps us carry out the mission and vision of the church as they love, serve, and equip the church body through their specialized skills and giftings.
Staff / Elders

Renae Calva
Lead Pastor

Bob Pullar
Associate Pastor

Dave Weigel
Associate Pastor

J.Brian & Renae Calva
Family Life Pastors

Jim & Hillary Early
Children’s Pastors

Debbie Christopherson
Worship Ministry

Gavin & Nora Bews
Youth & Young Adults Pastors

Kathy Veek

Dan Peters
Production Director

Rachel Dietsche
Promotions Manager

Jesse Veek
Lead Sound Technician

Ava Nitz
Nursery / Pre-school Coordinator

Beth Craft
Social Media Specialist
Elder Team
We believe that God has designed a government for His church that consists of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers, elders, and deacons. We are, as much as we know how, pursuing a culture that rightly reflects the kingdom of King Jesus. We see the elders and deacons as the local authority shepherding the body of Christ. Our Lead Pastor, as well as our other pastoral staff come under the authority and the protection of the elders. Our connections with apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelist are all under the covering and wisdom of the elders. Our Elder Team consists of both voting and advisory members.

Bob & Colleen Pullar

Dave & Susie Weigel

Jon & Debbie Christopherson

Ken & Carrie Beaudry

Shaun & Tami Larson

J.Brian & Renae Calva

Jordan & Rachel Dietsche